Amish management have a proverb they strongly believe in. Its found in the good book. No, not the Bible. The Amish book of barn building. It’s clearly stated in chapter 5 . It’s better to be the hammer then the nail. The proverb is one to follow when barn building and most if not all cyclist will also agree. It’s better to be the hammer then the nail. The Amish 250 handcycle camp strives to make hammers out of its participants.
Hogs back and the roller coaster of pain has claimed many Amish mules over the years. It seems the 42 miles and 3000 ft of elevation gain has been to much for them while hauling milk to market.
Watts Flats also known as Waits corners is a deceiving ride, On paper it shows some hills but the accumulation of previous days events starts to build up fatigue and make the seemingly easy, tiresome. On this day we will also do a 8.5 mile TT before the training ride.
Bear lake is better known for the bears then the lake. Amish management have searched the hills for the lake but to their surprise have found nothing yet. But the 2nd largest bear bagged in New York State was shot not to far from Bear Lake. It weighed in at 650 lbs.