
Hand Bike TV – H5 World Champion Tim de Vries

Hand Bike TV – H5 World Champion Tim de Vries

📁 Featured News, Slider, Sports, Uncategorized 🕔26.February 2019
Hand Bike TV – H5 World Champion Tim de Vries

The sport of handcyling is rapidly developing. Lighter, stiffer more aero bikes combined with athletes that approach the sport in a professional manner are raising performance every year. World Champion Tim de Vries is an athlete pushing limits of performance and equipment like many others.

Most competitors get it. Work hard, put the training in, rest, refuel, and repeat. Another element only a few utilize is social media and its importance to propel the sport forward, attract positive interest and inspire others to grab a wheel and get in the draft. Tim is on another level in this arena. His transparent approach to training, travel and racing can be found on Instagram. Simply search handbikertim. After you’ve connected with him enjoy a daily feed of what I call “hand bike TV”. Yes, Tim is a World Champion Para-cyclist but it doesn’t stop there. He’s an ambassador that shows what it takes to achieve on a “real level” not exaggerated or wishful.

Tim de Vries website

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