
Amish 250 Handcycle camp, formerly known as “Little Alaska”

Amish 250 Handcycle camp, formerly known as “Little Alaska”

📁 Slider, Sports, Uncategorized 🕔30.June 2016
Amish 250 Handcycle camp, formerly known as “Little Alaska”
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The Amish 250 handcycle camp is a 250 mile camp starting on 8/7 and ends 8/13. The camp travels the roads of Western NY at the upper north west corner where the foot hills of the Alleghenies begin to influence topography.  The camp officially kicks off on August 7th with a road race in Allegheny State Park Red House district. Rooms have been blocked at the Holiday Inn Express in Findley Lake NY. Anyone needing a roommate can contact Ken Bestine at 814-323-3026. We have room for 20 at the camp. We have an “A” group and “B” group. They travel slightly different routes that end at approximately the same time. The rides are no drop rides where groups stay together working on drafting and pace line riding. A refueling table will be set up directly after the completion of each training ride. All rides are van supported.

Camp Itinerary. B group starts at 10 am. and A group starts at 10:30 am.

August 7th – 24 mile road race in the Red House District of Allegheny State Park. ( A and B group selection based on race performance). This is the only event of the week we will drive to. It is a 45 minute drive. We will leave the hotel at 9:00 am.

August 8th – Westfield loop. 52 miles. (BBQ night)

August 9th – Redemption TT and Watts flats loop. 55 miles.

August 10th – Bear Lake 45 miles.

August 11th –  Easy day 20 miles A/B group ride with Wine tour and pasta dinner.

August 12th – Hogs back and Roller coaster of pain 45 miles.

August 13th – Easy spin , done by noon.


Accommodations can be found at

Findley Lake Holiday Inn Express 3025 Route 426 , Findley Lake, NY 14736 ph-(716) 769-7900

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