


📁 Slider, Sports 🕔11.June 2015

You don’t have to race alone.

In the US there are over 750 marathons. What does this mean for a handcyclist? Countless opportunities to enter a race with a given distance and for the most part similar terrain to cover. With that being said, yes there are races that you know you can’t achieve a PR at and others like the ST. George Marathon that if you don’t have a great elapsed time you must have had a flat tire.

Whenever handcyclist discuss a marathon almost never is the question asked what place did you come in. The typical question is, “what was your time?” The Brag for SWAG is an event developed to take advantage of races that have a known distance of 26.2 miles, and that have an official time keeper with published results on a race website so that times can be verified. Brag and Swag is a great way for a racer on the East Coast to compete against a racer on the West Coast without ever meeting. By participating you will automatically be included in a prize raffle at the end of the marathon season December 1st 2016.

Steps to participate

  1. Send the link for your marathon results to 

  2. your time will be posted on a published “BRAG” leader board

  3. you will automatically be qualified for an end of year raffle “SWAG” thanks to .




BRAG for SWAG - overview

Summary: Racer's on the East Coast can compete against a racer on the West Coast without ever meeting.

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