
Tennessee Para Cycling Open

Tennessee Para Cycling Open




USA Paralympic Cycling Series Race # 6

register here
June 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 6

Al l  e v e n t s  st a g e  a t  Th e  He r i t a g e  Ce n t e r
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
USA Cycling sanctioned Time Trial, Criterium and Road Race
Registration: $25 per race, Online registration closes June 24, 12 PM EDT
No Late Fee
June 24: Learn to race classes for beginner paracyclists
Comfort Inn Oak Ridge from 10 AM-2 PM, followed by drive to time trial staging area for a lap of the
course with Better than Able Coach Jason Kimball.
This class is open to all beginners and will be sanctioned by USA Cycling. Free of charge.

June 25 8 AM: 20.0 km time trial

Purse $1500

Overall winners trophies for women and men
Medals for Top 3 of all classes
Scoring per the USA Paracycling ranking protocol. The 2016 USA Paracycling standards will be used
to normalize the times to allow scoring across all categories. First rider start is 8:00 AM.
Start/Finish, parking, number pick-up and awards at the Horizon Center, 2000 Highway 58, Oak Ridge.
Course Map (loop direction is counter clockwise):\
Time Trial Cash payouts:

cash pay out

June 25

Heritage Center


Payouts: $100 for each male and

female class, $50/$30/$20

Medals for top 3

2 PM Group 1:C1-C5

40 minutes + 3

3 PM Group 2:T + H1 and H2 30 minutes + 3

3:45 PM Group 3: H3-H5 40 minutes + 3

4:45 PM: Group 4: Tandems 40 minut

Course,parking and awards are

        just west of time trial start in Heritage Center on Highway 58


June 26: 8 AM

road races on the time trial loop

Payouts: $100 for each male and female class, $50/$30/$20

Medals for top 3


and awards at the Heritage Center, west of the time trial start finish on Highway 58.

Road Race lap is 8.8 miles, course


Road Race distances:

Wave 1

8 AM start

T1, T2, H1, H2 2 laps, 17.6 miles

C1, C2, H3-H5, Recumbent Trikes 4 laps, 35.2 miles

Wave 2

8:10 AM start C3-C5 5 laps, 44 miles

BVI 5 laps, 44 mile

H o st Hotel:

Co m f o r t I n n Oak R i d g e , T N

A s k f o r Te n n e s s e e P a r a c y c l i n g Op e n R a c e r r a t e a t c h e c k i n

P h o n e:( 8 6 5 ) 4 8 1-8200

Promoter: Greg Miller



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